
Logo du PODS en format bannière

The Platform for Overdoses and Drugs Surveillance (PODS) is a community tool for collecting data on overdoses, fatal or not, that occur in Montreal and on the substances that could cause them.

PODS was developed through the combined expertise of community organizations and people who use drugs to meet their needs to prevent overdoses. Having access to this information will make it possible to adapt prevention messages and provide a quick and effective portrait of substance use and overdoses. It is an initiative of the Montreal Action Committee on Overdoses (CAMS), made up of 20 organizations that work in harm reduction.

CAMS reports to the Table of Montreal Community Organizations for the Fight against HIV/AIDS (TOMS), whose mission is to support, promote actions and defend the interests of members and the communities they represent. The TOMS brings together 30 community organizations that work in the prevention of HIV and STBBIs and in the promotion of health and well-being, in accommodation and support for people living with HIV/AIDS and other STBBIs, as well as their loved ones.


143 reports
une icône de cloche avec un point d'exclamation à l'intérieur


  • Numerous reports about cocaine and crack highlights multiple undesirable effects such as: spasms, convulsions, heart palpitations/cardiac arrests, respiratory issues and loss of consciousness. Try not to use alone, or be in a visible space (SCS are there to support!) Use drug analysis services and prepare your own doses. Carry Naloxone, whatever the susbstance(s) used.
    Info PODS- Cocaine and crack

    Numerous reports about cocaine and crack highlights multiple undesirable effects such as: spasms, convulsions, heart palpitations/cardiac arrests, respiratory issues and loss of… Voir plus